Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Rotary Club of Roxas 44th Induction and Turn-Over Ceremonies

Collective corporate responsibility was the challenge of guest speaker and fellow Rotarian Capiz Provincial Governor Vic Tanco to the Rotary Club of Roxas, during the 44th Induction and Turn-Over Ceremonies held at the Hall of Governor's last July 21, 2007. It was a fitting challenge to the new batch of young and promising officers for RY 2007-2008, headed by President Rommel Lastimoso.
The affair was a mixture of solemnity and hip as most of the members stayed on `til the wee hours of the morning dancing and jamming with the acoustic band. District Secretary Biboy Jocson was witness to the occasion who himself partied and danced with fellow rotarians.
Upon entering the venue, guest were treated to free samples of Andros...keeping with our statement that the club is ON THE RISE! Very apt to the atmosphere were the ballet performances of select stdents of Stages, a ballet school run by rotarian first lady Che-Che Lastimoso. Rotarian Spouse Dr. Rommel Mosquete and Rotarian Dr. Jo Mosquete sang the Doxology with the latter performing a surprise song number with past president Mark Ortiz.
The club is definitely on the rise with the new youthful additions to the organization, Mr. Blue Tanco, Mr. Jessie John Cabuang, Mr. Ninoy Bermudez and Mr. Jerome Lames, and the launching of "Ang Patiyog", the online bulletin of the Rotary Club of Roxas.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Mangrove Greenbelt Project Launched

The Rotary Club of Roxas, in line with its thrust on environmental preservation, has launched the Mangrove Greenbelt Project last April 20, 2007 at Barangay Punta Cogon. This is in cooperation with the Philippine Academy of Family Physicians, the Department of Agriculture and the local government. The project is envisioned to help the dwindling fish species in Olotayan Island, a declared marine sanctuary in the city.
To date, the club has planted around two hundred seedlings of Bakhaw species and has established a seedling nursery which now houses 400 seedlings to be replanted by volunteer families on a regular basis. The mangrove greenbelt project will cover around 1.7 hectare shoreline along Barangay Punta Cogon and Agojo. The club leadership has vowed for the project's sustainability and is hoping to be granted a project incentive from Rotary International. Rotarian Powell del Rosario chairs this special project.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

2006-2007 Presidential Citation Awarded to RC Roxas

"Lead The Way" Presidential Citation was awarded to the Rotary Club of Roxas recently by Rotary International President W.B. Boyd and District 3850 Governor Toto Locsin "for its efforts to Lead the Way to a better future by demonstrating that fellowship and service truly can change the world".
This citation is a fitting accolade to the efforts of Immediate Past President Carmelo "Mel" Deslate as well as the outgoing sets of officers. Indeed, the Rotary year 2006-2007 has proven that the Rotary Club of Roxas is one of the most active socio-civic organizations in the city.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Club Assembly 2007

The first Club Assembly of the Rotary Club of Roxas for the Rotary year 2007 was held on June 20,2007 at Ysabel's Restaurant, Roxas City. It was presided by incoming club president Rommel Lastimoso who incidentally is also a newly elected Board Member of the Province.
"Rotary of Cooperation" is President Lastimoso's guiding principle for the year and vowed for projects geared towards Environmental Preservation and Health. Several special committees have been created to further his thrust for the rotary year.
President Rommel will be ably assited by VP District Engineer Juby Cordon, Secretary Dr. Pip Acepcion, and Treasurer Dr. Raoul Bermejo. Dr. Jo Mosquete is the new chair of the Service Projects, Commodore Edzel Lumawag for Public Image, Juby Cordon for membership and retained were Engineer Ruben Yap as chair for Rotary Foundation and Judge Eli Conlu as the Protocol Officer.
The new special committees created are Information which is headed by Dr. Raoul Bermejo, Fellowship under Mr. Chad del Rosario, Administration under Juby Cordon, and Environment with Mr. Powell del Rosario on the helm.

Induction of Officers and New Members

The 44th Annual Induction of Officers and New Members of the club will be on July 21, 2007, 7 o'clock at the Hall of Governors, Capiz Provincial Capitol Building. The guest speaker is the newly elected governor, Hon. Victor A. Tanco.

Aside from the induction, we will hear the valedictory address of outgoing president Carmelo Deslate and the inaugural address of incoming president Rommel Lastimoso. Also, expect a fun "palabas" from the members. On that night, the online bulletin of the club ( will also be officially launched.