Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dr Jo Mosquete Lectures on the “Evils” of Cigarette Smoking

A Classification Talk was given by Dr. Jo Mosquete, chair of the service projects committee, and a pulmonary medicine specialist by profession. Dr Jo gave an impromptu lecture on the prodding of President Rommel Lastimoso in lieu of the supposedly career talks last February 19 during the regular meeting of RC Roxas. It was a very zealous and fiery lecture for both Dr. Jo and the smokers anonymous in the club…

RC Roxas Meets With Cooperator Families of Punta Cogon Mangrove Greenbelt Project

RC Roxas, through Rotarian Powell del Rosario, chair of the special committee on environment, Rotarian Ana Moyer and PE Pip Acepcion, met with the cooperator familes of the Mangrove Greenbelt Project in Punta Cogon and the community organizer yesterday, February 25, 2006 at the community chapel.

The meeting was called in order to discuss the plans and goals for 2008 as far as the Mangrove Greenbelt Project is concerned.

Gilda, the community organizer presided over the meeting in the presence of five out of the six cooperator families, and all agreed to parcel the 1.7 hectare mangrove reforestation area on Thursday, February 27, and subsequently plant and support 200 seedlings a month thereafter.

Several concerns were brought up which included the need for a small banca which the cooperator families will use to plant, water and monitor the seedlings, and to get them across the reforestation area at anytime.

Other concerns included the need for more seedlings, a bigger nursery, and additional bamboo poles for the building of a wave breaker.

Presently, the nursery houses about 300 seedlings only and can only accommodate as much due to the limited space. Wild seedlings can also be obtained from nearby areas but it can only supply the project around 200, and these may not as study as those kept in the nursery before being replanted.

The cooperator families started planting early last month, however due to unfavorable weather conditions, less than 20% survived.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Philippine Dental Association-Capiz Chapter Joins RC Roxas at Family Day in Baybay Day Care Center

The Philippine Dental Association-Capiz Chapter headed by Dr. Sharon B. Acepcion, joined RC Roxas during the family day at the Barangay Baybay Day Care center last Sunday, February 17, 2008. Dr. Acepcion, with several other dentists conducted oral health education to the day care center kids and distributed toothbrushes and toothpastes.

Incidentally, the Philippine Dental Association is celebrating the Dental Health Month this February.

A cartoon film was shown before the actual tooth-brushing demonstration showing the importance of healthy teeth. The kids were very attentive to the film show and even counted aloud when they were prompted by PDA President-elect Dr. Omega Bornales, as she demonstrates the proper way to brush.

PDA-Capiz Chapter is advocating for a healthy oral health with regular and proper tooth-brushing. They said that it takes at least three (3) minutes to brush teeth completely and properly

After the demonstration, the kids were given fluoride gargle apparently to strengthen their teeth. On PDA’s advice, the day care teacher will be giving the fluoride mouth rinsing every week.

Despite the heavy rain, about 50 kids were present during the activity.

Rotarians present were PP Ruben Yap, PE Pip Acepcion, Service projects Chair Jo Mosquete, Rotarians Powell del Rosario, Anna Moyer and Erin Dowe.

Dr. Jo Mosquete thanked the PDA-Capiz Chapter, in behalf of RC Roxas, for their participation during the family day.

RC Roxas has pledged to conduct a monthly family day at the Barangay Baybay day care center every 3rd Sunday of the Month. This is in support of the District’s campaign for literacy and health and hunger projects.

RC Roxas Conducts Ocular Inspection at the Mangrove Greenbelt Project

A group of Rotarians conducted an ocular inspection of the Mangrove Greenbelt Project at Barangay Punta Cogon on February 7, 2008. They were accompanied by Community Organizer Gilda and some volunteer families.

The volunteer families have started replanting the seedlings last mid-January on the advice of Dr. Uychiaoco, a UP marine scientist who was here recently during a workshop conducted by the club.

A report on the progress of the project will be given at the club meeting today. Incidentally, the mangrove greenbelt project is the club’s bet for the district’s outstanding community project award.

Pre-Valentine “Gifts” for the Home for the Aged Residents given by RC Roxas’ Interact Club

A Pre-Valentine show was held for the residents of the St Louisse de Marillac, Home for the Aged on February 9, 2008. It was part of the series of community service activities that were planned by the Interact Club of RC Roxas presently headed by Arlene Daquin of Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz. Three different production numbers were presented by the Interactor from SMAC, FCC, and OLGA. Gifts of old clothes, toiletries, etc. were offered to the 12 residents of the Home for the Aged, which the Interactors collected from their respective schools and communities during a month-long drive.

The residents of the Home for the Aged were so elated that some of them even danced on stage together with the members of the Interact club.

During the said program, about 20 Interactors were inducted to the club by VP Juby Cordon in front of the Home for the Aged community and some Rotarians who took time to attend the affair.

First Club Assembly for RY 2008-2009: A Success

The Rotary Club of Roxas held its first club assembly for RY 2008-2009 last February 5, 2008 at the residence of Treasurer and incoming Secretary Raoul Bermejo, after the regular club meeting. It was presided by Outgoing Secretary and President-elect Pip Acepcion.

It was a leveling off of expectations and foresights for the coming Rotary year which will be followed by more club assemblies, with the hope of getting the cooperation and ideas of as much members as possible. The recently held club assembly has gathered together a big percentage of the total membership with the attendance of some who have been away from the club for more than a year now.

A brief introduction of Rotary, its objects and its avenues of service were given by PE Pip. The whole group then was divided into three subgroups representing the different avenues of service and each group were tasked to define RC Roxas’ S-W-O-T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) as far as each avenue is concerned. PP Mark Ortiz facilitated the group dynamics.

Each group was asked to present their respective outputs. An attempt to draft the 5-year vision of the club was done but due to constraints of time, it was tasked to the incoming officers and directors for presentation during the next club assembly after the district convention.

February 9 is Interact Gift-giving Day at the Home for the Aged

On February 9, 2008, the RC Roxas’ Interact Club headed by Interactor Arlene Daquin of Saint Mary’s Academy of Capiz, will be holding their first community project at the Home for the Aged of this city.

The Interactors will be providing not only gifts but also entertainment. The various schools have prepared production numbers to entertain the abandoned elderly.

The interactors have also prepared gifts for the residents of the Home for the aged which they have solicited from their schoolmates and respective communities for more than a month now. On February 9 also, 20 new members of Interact Club will be inducted during the Home for the Aged activity.

The Home for the Aged residents will be one of the beneficiaries of RC Roxas’ Service Projects. The club has committed to provide support to the residents of the institution especially with regard to their health needs.

RC Roxas’ Club Assembly to be Held Today

The first Club Assembly for RY 2008-2009 will be held today at the residence of incoming secretary Raoul Bermejo at Arnaldo Boulevard, after the regular Rotary meeting. PE Pip Acepcion will be introducing the officers and club directors for RY 2008-2009. He is also expected to conduct activities for leveling of expectations as well as to define the long term plans of the organization.

Membership retention and recruitment will be top priority for the year as well as membership education. Current projects being undertaken will be reinforced and various projects will be defined depending on the feedbacks and interests of the club assembly.

First Board Meeting for RY 2008-2009 Held

While the House of Representatives are scrambling over the house leadership, and the future of the nation seems bleak and depressing with the many politicking, the RC Roxas Board of officers for 2008-2009 headed by President-elect Pip Acepcion held the first board meeting in preparation for the first club assembly to be held on February 5. This was conducted at the Chill VIP room at Roxas Midtown Hotel.

It was attended by almost all of the Board of Officers and Directors of RC Roxas for 2008-2009, to wit: VP Juby Cordon, Secretary Raoul Bermejo, Treasurer Jo Mosquete, Sergeant-at-arms Jerry Lames, Service projects Director Leah del Rosario, Public Image Director Powell del Rosario, Public Image Assistant Director Ninoy Bermudez, Director for Rotary Foundation Reubin Yap, Protocol Officer Mark Ortiz, and Director for Fellowship Cheche Lastimoso.

It was started with an introduction of the thrust of the RI President Elect and the Rotary Theme for RY 2008-2009 as well

RC Roxas Board of Officers and Directors listen intentively as PE Pip Acepcion stresses a point

as the guide for an effective club leadership. Roles and responsibilities of various club committees were discussed and long term plans as well as the annual plans were tackled.

The 2008 Rotary Challenge by RI President-Elect Dong Kum Lee

"In 2008-09, I will ask you all to Make Dreams Real for the world's children,…This will be our theme, and my challenge to all of you."

"Children are killed by illnesses that become deadly in combination with poor sanitation and malnutrition…In addition, families stricken by extreme poverty are trapped in a cycle that only leads to more unnecessary deaths…It's a cycle that is not interrupted because there is no access to education."

"We will bring clean water to their communities and create sanitation projects that keep children healthy,"

“Rotarians can improve children's health even in small ways, such as delivering mosquito nets, rehydration salts, vitamins, and vaccines…So much more can be done with just a little more: a trained birth attendant, a simple clinic, a school feeding program, a visiting nurse…These are simple and direct ways to save children's lives."

“In 2008-09, Rotarians will be asked to open their eyes to the needs of children in communities near and far.”

"Children die not because nobody can help them, but because too often, nobody does. But you and I, are Rotarians, and helping is what we do best," …our job is to Make Dreams Real for children. If every one of us does this, at the end of our year, we will all have achieved something wonderful."

The Philippine Dental Association- Capiz Chapter to Participate at Day Care Center Family Day on February 17

The Philippine Dental Association (PDA), Capiz Chapter has pledged to participate in RC-Roxas Family Day at the Dumolog Day Care Center on February 17, 2008. This is also in connection with the Philippine Dental Health Month which the PDA celebrates annually on February.

The Day Care Center Family Day is the pet project of Rotarian Jo Mosquete, the director for Service Projects. The family day is held every 3rd Sunday of each month.

The PDA, Capiz Chapter is expected to give dental health education to the day care children and to the mothers and care givers as well. They will also be distributing free toothbrushes to the day care center kids. The PDA has also promised to give free oral care goodies to the residents of the Home for the Aged during the Interact Gift-Giving activity on February 9.

PDA-Capiz is presently headed by Dr. Sharon Acepcion, sister of PE Pip.

2008 Club Assembly Set on February 5

The Rotary Club of Roxas will hold its first club assembly in preparation for the Rotary International year 2008-2009 on February 5, 2008, Tuesday, right after the weekly club meeting. This will be held at the residence of Treasurer and incoming Secretary Raoul Bermejo.

The Club Assembly will be presided over by President-elect Pip Acepcion. He hopes to gather as many active members to participate in this annual planning. One of his thrusts for the year is to strengthen the membership and even invite previous members back to the fold of the club. Recently, a review of the previous memberships was done and amnesty programs for those with club fees delinquencies were proposed.

It is also expected that during the first club assembly, the president-elect will be proposing to the club a list of his officers and board of directors who will help him carry-out his leadership. During the club assembly also, the membership will be encouraged to propose projects that will be of interest to the whole club, aside from the usual projects that the club is presently adopting.

Club Assemblies are usually held on a regular basis in order to review the progress of the club as far as planned activities are concerned and to encourage members to participate and share ideas in the various club undertakings.

RC Roxas Joins Kalibo Atiatihan

Members of RC Roxas spent weekend at Kalibo, Aklan to celebrate the annual Ati-atihan Festival in honor of the Holy Infant Jesus.

They were met by PE of RC Kalibo Meggs Lunn who was also accompanying two gentlemen from RC Marikina who was there to celebrate the festival as well.

RC Roxas’ members who were there include PP Mark, PP Butch, PE Pip, incoming Sec Raoul, Rotarians Erin, Ana, Powell, Jessie John, Cheche, Ronnie and Joanne.

Dumolog Day Care Center Family Day Held

The Rotary Club of Roxas held its second Family Day at the Dumolog Day Care Center last January 20, 2008. Despite the bad weather and Atiatihan fever still high, a lot of Rotarians showed up at the Day Care Center to extend help and give support to the Service Projects Committee ably headed by Dr. Jo Mosquete.

Erin Dowe and Ana Moyer who came straight from Kalibo, Aklan for the Atiatihan Festival sat with the kids for a story-telling and drawing session, while Dr Jo Mosquete conducted a lecture on Tuberculosis to the parents and care givers. Dr. Raoul Bermejo who also came straight from Kalibo, prepared snacks and also sat down with the kids. Rotarian Jerry Lames, armed with his new camera, took pictures for documentation.

Secretary Pip Acepcion is New President-Elect

Secretary Pip Acepcion was recently selected as President-Elect by the Council of Presidents after Vice President Juby Cordon declined because of her present work demand as district engineer of the first district of Capiz. VP Juby, however, pledged to support the leadership and act as vice president for the next Rotary year.

PE Pip Acepcion is a Urologist by profession and has been with the club for two years now. He was Treasurer, and recently appointed Secretary by President Rommel Lastimoso. He co-chaired the Boys and Girls Week Celebration for two consecutive years and was instrumental in organizing the RC Roxas Interact Club.

INTERACT Club President and Secretary Guested at RC Roxas Meeting

Interact Club President Arlene Daquin and Interact Secretary Sarah Dabandan guested at the regular weekly meeting of RC Roxas to report on the community service and fundraising projects that the Interact Club will embark on during their term, as well as their plans for membership recruitment and club meeting and fees.

On February 9, the club will be having a family day at the St Louisse de Marillac Home for the Aged as part of their community service project. They will be presenting production numbers and will be campaigning for old clothes and other needs that they can contribute for the residents of the Home for the Aged.

On mid-March, the Interactors are planning to hold a Rock Band competition in the city as part of their fund raising project. They are planning to hold it at the Dinggoy Roxas Civic Center.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

RC Roxas Joins Zone IV Membership Seminar

The Rotary Club of Roxas headed by President Rommel Lastimoso, participated in the the Sectional Membership Development Seminar for Zone IV Rotary Clubs of Rotary International District 3850 last January 12, 2008 at the APC Center Point Bldg., Kalibo, Aklan hosted by the Rotary Club of Kalibo. President Rommel went with Secretary Pip Acepcion, Rotarians Raoul Bermejo, Bonnie Barrera, Leah and Chad del Rosario, and Lovelle Licanto.

The seminar was chaired by Zone IV Assistant Governor, Past President Immanuel “Nolly” Sodusta through the initiative of District 3850 Trainer, Past District Governor David “Dave” Villanueva of Rotary Club of RC Bacolod South. PDG Dave gave an orientation on the purpose of the seminar, followed by Membership Update in District 3850, and lectures on Components of Membership Development, and Preparing a Club Membership Program.

Rotary Community Corps (RCC) District Coordinator, Past President Leonardo Raphael “Raphy” Tayco, Jr., delivered a talk on Rotary’s Public Image and its Impact on Membership.

During the seminar, PDG Dave discussed the Status of Rotary Membership in the Philippines with membership retention as one of the major concerns. He also emphasized on the CORE VALUES of Rotary International, to wit: SERVICE, FELLOWSHIP, DIVERSITY, INTEGRITY and LEADERSHIP. All these Core Values, he said, are reflected in the Four Way Test.

Immediate Past District Governor, Ramon “Toto” Cua Locsin also addressed the audience and informed them of the upcoming wheelchair project. He also reminded the members regarding the project report requirements needed by the district on the district-wide Matching Grant providing equipments to Day Care Centers. IPDG Toto was standing in lieu of DG Prince Gerochi.

44th Charter Anniversary and Christmas Party on December 22

The 44th Charter Anniversary of the Rotary Club of Roxas is slated on December 22, 2007 at the San Antonio Resort Audiovisual room.

The charter anniversary will be celebrated together with the club’s Christmas party. The club hopes to invite the surviving chapter members including the past presidents of the club.

This year’s guest speaker is Past District Governor Henry “Henz” Reyes of the Rotary Club of Metro Roxas.

The members of the Rotary Club of Roxas agreed to be in their beach attire during the occasion.

Annual Gift Giving at the Saint Joseph Orphanage

Every December, the Rotary Club of Roxas prepares gifts for the orphans of the Saint Joseph Orphanage at Lonoy, Roxas City. The institution is run by nuns from the Our Lady of Grace Academy.

This year, RC Roxas was joined by the Interact Club, who acted as masters of ceremonies during the event. The children at the orphanage presented songs and dances which delighted most RC Roxas members.

RC Roxas Sponsors Daigon’07

The Rotary Club of Roxas sponsors anew the Christmas Caroling Competition of the Roxas City Government as part of the festivities of the annual “Sinadya sa Halaran”, the grandest festivity of the city in celebrating the feast of the City’s patron saint.

The Rotary Club of Roxas has been sponsoring this activity in the past until it was taken over by the Knights of Columbus. This year, it was tasked to RC Roxas once again.

The Caroling competition is dubbed “Daigon `07” with the theme “Paghinatagay sa Panahon sang Pascua” in congruence with the Rotary International theme “Rotary Shares” for Rotary Year 2007-2008.

The competition has two categories: children’s category and adult’s category. Each choral group was required to sing one Hiligaynon piece and another one of their choice as part of their repertoire.