RI 3850 District Governor Renier "Prince" Gerochi visited the three Rotary Clubs in Roxas City on September 20-21, 2007. He was met by the Rotary Clubs of Roxas and Metro-Roxas Central at the Rotary landmark in Sibaguan. He had a luncheon meeting with the Rotary Club of Metro-Roxas Central and later joined the Rotary Club of Roxas' club assembly at 2 PM at the Rotary Center, Capiz Provincial Park.
The "Welcome Governor" song was sang by Rotarian Jo Mosquete, for which the governor responded, "I will not forget you". He met with President Rommel and Secretary Pip to discuss internal matters. He was very impressed with the prospects of growth in membership of the club, invited members to be sustaining members, and urged subscription to the Philippine Rotary Magazine.
DG Prince met with the Rotary Club of Roxas during the club assembly that followed. Rotarian Jo Mosquete reported the plans of the Service Projects committee for RY 2007-2008 which included the Mangrove Reforestation Project, the yearly Milo Marathon, the adopted Day Care Center in Dumulog, the proposed projects for the Home for the Aged, the Career Orientation program, and annual the Boys and Girls Week celebration. These were reiterated during the video presentation of the projects prepared by Rotarian Jerry Lames, chair for Public Image.
The district governor was also presented a printed copy of ang patiyog.
The district governor seemed pleased with the ongoing and future projects of the club and encouraged the club to work for the district's recognition. He said that the Rotary Club of Roxas has indeed all the right to be number one as far as club achievements are concerned, especially since it is the mother club.