Monday, July 9, 2007

Club Assembly 2007

The first Club Assembly of the Rotary Club of Roxas for the Rotary year 2007 was held on June 20,2007 at Ysabel's Restaurant, Roxas City. It was presided by incoming club president Rommel Lastimoso who incidentally is also a newly elected Board Member of the Province.
"Rotary of Cooperation" is President Lastimoso's guiding principle for the year and vowed for projects geared towards Environmental Preservation and Health. Several special committees have been created to further his thrust for the rotary year.
President Rommel will be ably assited by VP District Engineer Juby Cordon, Secretary Dr. Pip Acepcion, and Treasurer Dr. Raoul Bermejo. Dr. Jo Mosquete is the new chair of the Service Projects, Commodore Edzel Lumawag for Public Image, Juby Cordon for membership and retained were Engineer Ruben Yap as chair for Rotary Foundation and Judge Eli Conlu as the Protocol Officer.
The new special committees created are Information which is headed by Dr. Raoul Bermejo, Fellowship under Mr. Chad del Rosario, Administration under Juby Cordon, and Environment with Mr. Powell del Rosario on the helm.

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