Thursday, February 21, 2008

First Club Assembly for RY 2008-2009: A Success

The Rotary Club of Roxas held its first club assembly for RY 2008-2009 last February 5, 2008 at the residence of Treasurer and incoming Secretary Raoul Bermejo, after the regular club meeting. It was presided by Outgoing Secretary and President-elect Pip Acepcion.

It was a leveling off of expectations and foresights for the coming Rotary year which will be followed by more club assemblies, with the hope of getting the cooperation and ideas of as much members as possible. The recently held club assembly has gathered together a big percentage of the total membership with the attendance of some who have been away from the club for more than a year now.

A brief introduction of Rotary, its objects and its avenues of service were given by PE Pip. The whole group then was divided into three subgroups representing the different avenues of service and each group were tasked to define RC Roxas’ S-W-O-T (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) as far as each avenue is concerned. PP Mark Ortiz facilitated the group dynamics.

Each group was asked to present their respective outputs. An attempt to draft the 5-year vision of the club was done but due to constraints of time, it was tasked to the incoming officers and directors for presentation during the next club assembly after the district convention.

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