Tuesday, February 19, 2008

RC Roxas Joins Zone IV Membership Seminar

The Rotary Club of Roxas headed by President Rommel Lastimoso, participated in the the Sectional Membership Development Seminar for Zone IV Rotary Clubs of Rotary International District 3850 last January 12, 2008 at the APC Center Point Bldg., Kalibo, Aklan hosted by the Rotary Club of Kalibo. President Rommel went with Secretary Pip Acepcion, Rotarians Raoul Bermejo, Bonnie Barrera, Leah and Chad del Rosario, and Lovelle Licanto.

The seminar was chaired by Zone IV Assistant Governor, Past President Immanuel “Nolly” Sodusta through the initiative of District 3850 Trainer, Past District Governor David “Dave” Villanueva of Rotary Club of RC Bacolod South. PDG Dave gave an orientation on the purpose of the seminar, followed by Membership Update in District 3850, and lectures on Components of Membership Development, and Preparing a Club Membership Program.

Rotary Community Corps (RCC) District Coordinator, Past President Leonardo Raphael “Raphy” Tayco, Jr., delivered a talk on Rotary’s Public Image and its Impact on Membership.

During the seminar, PDG Dave discussed the Status of Rotary Membership in the Philippines with membership retention as one of the major concerns. He also emphasized on the CORE VALUES of Rotary International, to wit: SERVICE, FELLOWSHIP, DIVERSITY, INTEGRITY and LEADERSHIP. All these Core Values, he said, are reflected in the Four Way Test.

Immediate Past District Governor, Ramon “Toto” Cua Locsin also addressed the audience and informed them of the upcoming wheelchair project. He also reminded the members regarding the project report requirements needed by the district on the district-wide Matching Grant providing equipments to Day Care Centers. IPDG Toto was standing in lieu of DG Prince Gerochi.

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